What started as a casual hobby developed into an amazing achievement in the art of stained glass. Leisa started doing stain glass in 1989 and has since placed over 100 windows throughout Belize and a few beyond. She has also done many restorations. Her work can be found in Holy Redeemer, St. John’s Cathedral, Divine Mercy, Ebenezer, Living Waters, St. Anne’s, San Pedro, San Pablo churches as well as in several resorts (most of the rooms at Banana Bank have stained glass windows), restaurants, businesses and private homes.
Leisa is a multi-talented artisan which is the type of mind a stained glass artisan must have. To see the project through from start to finish requires several different skills. Certainly, a good design is a place to start. Designs can be taken from pattern books but Leisa creates her own original designs. That started early on in her career when she took custom orders that ask for “a Moroccan design with a Spanish flair” Stability in installation has to be an early consideration.
Large pieces carry a lot of weight and might have to withstand wind, rain and heat. This brings into play some engineering principles. There are hundreds of types of glass, each with their own qualities. Color is a very large part of the finished piece and has to be considered in the early planning. Stained glass colors are far different when they are seen flat on a table rather than when the sun ignites them into blazes of color.
The actual working process of stained glass is too complicated to describe here but after all the preparations have been done the actual cutting, fitting, soldering and finishing takes extreme patience and commitment. There is no way to “hurry up” this art form, that is unless you have a large supply of triple antibiotic, cotton balls and band aids. Flying bits of glass dust lodged in the eyeball is a painful reminder to be careful, patient and organized. Loose scraps laying around are not allowed.
It is a joy to create something that partners with God and his light. Surely when God said “Let there be light” He had the stained glass artisan in mind.